Meet the team behind Les Petits Painters — passionate about sharing their love for art with kids!
Our team believes in continually motivating and inspiring kids to love art.
Art encourages thinking and using reasoning skills. Painting, drawing, and crafting aids children to acquire much-needed skills in observation and noticing details, and sharpening their perception. These skills will help them as they grow into adults.
We also use everyday objects when working with our little artists to better establish a cognitive link between words and visual clues.
Teresa Carlos
Our primary art instructor, Teresa Carlos, has experience teaching children ranging from Kindergarten to Year 5 in Sydney state schools.
She has loved art as a child but became more serious about it when she lived in Hong Kong and studied oil painting under Eleanor McColl. She continued learning and discovered her love of watercolours through Mike Golding, Peter Dorahy and Marilyn Hayes from the Royal Art Society. As an artist, she has exhibited her art in Australia, Hong Kong, and the Philippines. Her works are in private collections across several countries, including Australia, England, Germany, the Philippines, Singapore, and US.
She decided to combine teaching and her love of art into something she enjoys. Thus, Les Petits Painters was born!
Sign Up for Our Art Classes:
To register for our art classes and painting lessons, just fill out the Registration Form here.
Booking is completed upon receipt of payment. Payment details to be provided upon registration.
For more information, download a copy of our flyer.
Our classes are held in the lovely neighborhood of Chatswood. View our updated class schedules.
Contact Us at Les Petits Painters:
Need more information?
Phone Number: 0428880378
Email: you may email our team here.