Let’s Make Watermelon Paper Fans!

The Les Petits Painters team was at the Drop In Art and Craft event of the  Chatswood Family Festival at The Concourse on a rather warm day, so we decided to keep cool by having the kids make watermelon paper fans!

A watermelon paper fan made by kids at one of the art classes by Les Petits Painters
Hey kids! We know it’s H.O.T. today, but we’ve got something cool to keep you C.O.O.L. that you can easily make – a watermelon paper fan!
Come down to the Art Space at The Concourse on Thursday, Jan 17 from 1-5pm. We’ll teach you how!
#art #crafts #kids #kidsart #artist #papercrafts #fruit #classes #summer #create #coolcrafts #holiday #learn #paintingclasses #sydney #lespetitspainters #ryde #chatswood #huntershill

If you’d want to try this little arts and crafts project with your younglings, here’s how:

Watermelon Paper Fans

Little artists at the Chatswood Family Festival at The Concourse making their own watermelon paper fans to keep cool!
Little artists at the Chatswood Family Festival at The Concourse making their own watermelon paper fans to keep cool!
  1. Take an A4 piece of red paper, cut it lengthwise and glue the short sides together.
  2. Next, cut strips of white and green paper, 1 cm wide of the same length.
  3. Glue the white strip onto the long side of the red, then glue the green stripe on to the white. 3 layers!
  4. Use a black marker to draw seeds. Make sure the glue has dried.
  5. Fold the short side back and fro 2cm wide.
  6. Tape the end without the green with sticky tape.
  7. Open the folded flaps gently and you’ll see your watermelon expand!
A watermelon paper fan made by kids at one of the art classes by Les Petits Painters
A watermelon paper fan!
Come down to the Art Space at The Concourse on Thursday, Jan 17 from 1-5pm. We?ll teach you how!
#art #crafts #kids #kidsart #artist #papercrafts #fruit #classes #summer #create #coolcrafts #holiday #learn #paintingclasses #sydney #lespetitspainters #ryde #chatswood #huntershill